Historical Events  TV
Historical Events  TV
Pride and Prejudice

Mr Darcy got out of the lake dripping wet in a white shirt

Mr Darcy did not get out of the lake dripping wet in a white shirt

Dripping wet

Many people remember a famous scene featuring Mr Darcy in the 1995 BBC production of Pride and Prejudice. 

He was alone, and spent a moment reflecting before taking a dip in the lake. That part is seen today, but what isn't is when he left the lake, which many remember him being very wet as he walked towards the camera in slow motion. 

Colin Firth became an overnight success after his portrayal, which shows him entering the lake wearing a full length white shirt, which completely covered his chest and arms, but not leaving it.

It's become something of a movie trope to show this kind of shot, and can be seen in many others such as the James Bond series, but this time it's a false memory.

Historical Events  TV
Rowlf Muppet



When did the first muppet appear?

The Muppets are so ingrained in popular culture today that it's hard to think of a time when they didn't exist. From Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy through to the Animal and all the rest of them, the very term "Muppet" has entered the vocabulary as a descriptive term for someone.

Yet there was a time when they first appeared, and most people assume this was when they got their own show in 1976. They are incorrect. Those even more savvy might point out they were on Sesame Street for many years prior to that, but when it comes to the first appearance, they are out by a couple of decades.

That's because the first Muppet to appear on television was actually in 1955. Jim Henson created them for the show Sam and Friends, which ran for 6 years from 1955, and following appearances in advertising campaigns and some late night TV shows, joined Sesame Street in 1969.

Historical Events  TV
Imagine, if you will

"Imagine, if you will" was often used as a Twilight Zone introduction

"Imagine, if you will" was never used as a Twilight Zone introduction

You're travelling to another dimension

Think of the old 1950/1960's black and white 'Twilight Zone' TV show and what's the first thing that springs to mind? For most, after the spooky tinkling music, it's Rod Serling's introduction beginning 'Imagine if you will...', where he then describes various weird phenomena such as dimensions beyond space and time.

So, imagine if you will, the surprise of the many people who find out he never said that, and they are experiencing the Mandela Effect. Even though it's referenced in many places on the internet, not once did he say it in his introduction to an episode. This is the same class of Mandela Effect as Morpeus in The Matrix, where even though people can hear his distinctive voice in their head, he never said "what if I told you...".

Historical Events  TV
Dick Cavett

The Dick Cavett Show aired an episode where a guest died on air

The Dick Cavett Show never aired an episode where a guest died on air

Guest dies on air

An amazing video showing a Mandela Effect has was recorded in 2010 - way before the term even existed. It's been available on YouTube since then, and it fits the definition perfectly, because it describes an event which has very strong evidence for never occurring being remembered the same way by groups of people.

This concerns an episode of the Dick Cavett Show, which was supposedly aired in 1971. The recording is of Dick Cavett himself  recorded in 2010, describing the death of a guest on his show which, in his own words, many people have asked him about since claiming they distinctively remember seeing it. Yet, there is clearly no-one more authoritative than Dick himself, who insists it was never aired. 

Historical Events  TV
9/11 Dancers

TV showed "thousands cheering" on 9/11

TV did not show "thousands cheering" on 9/11

Seen on TV on 9/11?

The Mandela Effect does not discriminate across religion, culture or, as seen with this one, politics. It is only concerned with facts being misremembered by groups of people, no matter what the subject is.

9/11 was a series of tragic events which are etched permanently in many peoples memories. Many of those memories were from the media being broadcast as the events actually happened on the day, but amid all the chaos and confusion some details may not be all they appear when viewed back years later, after all the dust has settled - literally.

One of those details was the report that "thousands of people" were seen on TV dancing, cheering and celebrating after 9/11. Did this happen, is it propaganda, or is it an actual Mandela Effect?

The issue is not whether any crowds celebrated, it's whether it was shown on TV.

Historical Events  TV
H.R. Pufnstuf

 H.R. Puff 'n' stuf

H.R. Pufnstuf

H.R. Pufnstuf / H.R. Puff 'n' stuf

The 1969 TV show featuring Jack Wild and a dragon is a fond memory for many of a certain age.

Many know about the not-so-hidden in joke in the title meaning "Hand Rolled" Puff and Stuff, but that's not what's bothering many people now - it's the apparent change in the spelling of the show's title. Today, all references are to "H.R. Pufnstuf", but this just looks wrong to them since they are sure it was "H.R. Puff 'n' stuf".

The show featured Jack as "Jimmy", who became shipwrecked on an island and was only 11 years old. He befriends Freddy, a talking flute, and they get into many various scrapes and adventures battling with Witchepoo, the wicked witch, and dealing with the mayor of the island, the aforementioned dragon HR Pufnstuf. 

Historical Events  TV
Lone Ranger

Hi Ho Silver!

Hi Yo Silver!

What was his call?

The Lone Ranger ran on TV from 1949 to 1957, and was famous for his cry to his faithful horse, Silver. What exactly was that call? Many remember it as "Hi Ho Silver!", and there's plenty of examples of this on the internet today, but in fact the original was "Hi Yo Silver".

The adventure began on the radio in 1933, made the move to short movies in 1937, and came to television in 1949, each time repeating the story of our hero wandering round the 1880's wild west doing good and righting worngs.

"A fiery horse with a speed of light, a cloud of dust, and a hearty ‘Hi-Yo, Silver!’. . . The Lone Ranger!"