Historical Events  Movies
James Bond

The name's Bond, James Bond

My name is Bond, James Bond


All the Bond actors apart from Daniel Craig used the line "My name is Bond, James Bond" or just "Bond, James Bond" when introducing themselves.

This comes as a surprise to many people who aren't familiar with this, because the phrase "The name's Bond, James Bond" is the first thing they usually blurt out when asked what they remember it to be.

The reason for this false memory isn't very clear - perhaps using "The" rather than "My" is a less personal way of saying it, which would fit in better with his spy roles. 

In any case, those experiencing this false memory are usually shaken and stirred.

"Bond, James Bond"

He often says it in reposnse to someone who doesn't know his name, as in "Mister...?"

The second part of the phrase certainly isn't in doubt, and itself has a rich history. It was first heard in 1962's Dr No, and created by Ian Fleming in his 1953 Casino Royale novel. Of course, James Bond is no stranger to Mandela Effect, with Dolly's Braces from Moonraker being one of the better known ones.