Historical Events  Brands
Blue Riband

Blue Ribbon

Blue Riband

Take the biscuit

Many people remember the biscuit which is today called the Blue Riband as being called the Blue Ribbon. This is even though it was called that from its origin in 1936 by Gray Dunn of Scotland, and has since been managed by Nestlé.

This particular MMDE became famous when the Daily Mail reported people as being in "shock" when news of its production was announced as being moved to Poland. This wasn't why they were surprised - it was because they "had been lied to" their whole life as they were sure it was called the Blue Ribbon bar.

Although the newspaper report has a mocking tone, this is a classic Mandela Effect and those who were being affected by it were not amused at all.

Mark of quality

Traditionally, a Blue Ribbon signifies a mark of quality. This originated from Cordon Bleu, which at the time literally came from the ribbon the Cross of the Holy Spirit was attached to when worn by the French Knightly Order of the Holy Spirit.. The blue color has stayed with us today and still represents quality, as demonstrated with Cordon Bleu cuisine. Later, the term was used in the adapted form Blue Riband by horse racing, again for the mark of quality. Following this, the fastest Atlantic crossing by a passenger liner was given an award of the same name, which again recognised the association with quality. 

Dual memory strikes again

There are plenty of reports from people literally experiencing mild shock at seeing the name "Blue Riband" on the bar and being told it's always been that way. They are so sure it must have been changed because for many, it's a big part of their childhood memories. They can actually picture the word "Ribbon" on the bar whilst looking at the current version. This dual memory isn't the only time this happens. Even the memory the whole Mandela Effect phenomenon is named after, the Nelson Mandela death itself, is experienced this way because those who remember his death openly admit it cannot be so since he went on to become the President of South Africa. Yet they insist they remember his 1980's prison death, so can only describe it as a dual memory.

The chocolate bar in question would have mainly been eaten by children many years ago, when they were still coming to grips with the nuances of language. Hearing what sounded to them the word "ribbon", whilst seeing it on a blue bar with a ribbon like pattern, must have easily tricked them into remembering it as ribbon and thinking nothing more about it, so it's only years later they are surprised to find out it was different.